Jul 9, 2010

No More Coconut Bliss?

Well everyone I am sharing with you a disappointment today :( After reading this Article

Thanks to my sister who sent me the article.....I can no longer enjoy life! Just kidding. I knew there was controversy about agave nectar, now I understand. If I really want to be healthy I need to willing to give up things that are unhealthy. This hit me hard since I am a HUGE fan of Coconut Bliss and Agave Nectar is what they use to sweeten it. We live in a "Sugar World" and navigating it is hard sometimes.  Although my desire right now is to be SUGAR FREE I am not there yet. My family has come a LONG way these last few months and I am trying my best as there  mother to do what I feel is right for them.
Now if I could just find some other people out there like me it would make my life easier! I have been checking out books from the Library that will hopefully give me some good ideas for meals and even desserts that I can make! It seems everywhere my children go others are having  "treats" and we have to talk about it quite a bit, so they understand why they have to refuse them. I feel like I am a bad guy but I know I am not. It is hard for them to watch as other kids eat the sweets. So I am on a quest to learn how to make them acceptable alternatives :) I know some of you may say "Moderation" yes I understand this statement that is why I am looking for what I think are acceptable alternatives.

1 comment:

  1. Stevia is great; the best brand (per the people I've talked to "in the know") is SweetLeaf Stevia; it comes in drops and powder, and it's very sweet, so you don't have to use much.

    When I had to cut out sweets, eventually my tastes adjusted, and the *natural flavor* of things was more appealing. Example: strawberries: This season marks the first time I haven't felt the need to dip strawberries in sugar. ;)

    There's a growing number of naturally-sweetened recipes out there - happy hunting! :)
