Jul 2, 2010

Cleaning House AGAIN

OUT With The BAD And In With The BETTER

After my post about "Cleaning House" I realized I could do even better.  I have been "storing" junk in our refrigerator because my husband said not to throw it out, It was just taking up room. So he was at work and I threw it out! (Sorry honey it was time, L U). They do sell Ketchup that doesn't have HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) in it!

My family will thank me one day for helping them create healthier eating habits. I hope :)

I will never think of HFCS the same again. When I was at my Chiropractor yesterday I was telling them about the changes I made in how I eat now. He asked me what about Sodas? I said no I didn't drink them. He referred to HFCS as POISON!!!! So I will think of it as POISON from now on! 

This is what I threw out
Check this site out to find out if you are addicted to sugar?

Keep in mind I am not saying I don't eat sugar, the chicken broth does have evaporated cane juice in it. And some of the milk alternatives have it in it. I prefer to get the unsweetened Almond Milk to anything else. When buying processed foods like Pita Chips, Bread, Soy Milk Rice Milk, Etc. I try to keep the Sugar to 4g or Lower!
This Chicken broth has 1 gram of Sugar per serving. 

I am making these changes and weaning my kids off of sugar. This is a process so don't get discouraged if you want to make changes too, you can do it!
I really want to talk about  the challenges I have been through with getting my family on board but that will have to be another time.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you got rid of the ketchup and the Italian dressing....I specifically asked you not to throw those to out...
